Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Give Yourself A Break

Edgar Allan Poe once wrote, "I am a writer.  Therefore, I am not sane."

Everybody handles stress differently.  For some, stress can actually motivate them to do what they had been putting off; for others, it can feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest.  It's important to remember one truth: Every day isn't going to be a holiday.  This isn't just limited to writers.  Every person on the plane has, at one time or another, had a bad day.  There are going to be days when it's hard to get out of bed, to go to work, to keep on keeping on.

So, what do you do?  Like most things, you have a choice: you can stay in bed or you can get up, throw some cold water on your face, and accept that sometimes life just sucks.  I have had days like that.  Sometimes, just the act of living is like an extreme sport.  So what do I do when life gets me down?  I read a blog or start pinning like a wild woman.  If that doesn't work, I start cleaning (anything and everything), because something about pushing a high-powered vacuum across a floor relaxes me.  Then, if all else fails, I break things.  I'm not saying it's the most adult or rational way of dealing with things, but things can be replaced: people can't.  Look at the people around you.  Do they bring you joy?  Do they help you up?  Have they stood by you?  I know I've talked about support systems and I'll say it again: we need people in our lives that will be there when no one else will.  Rich or poor, thick or thin, rain or shine, these are the people you have in your corner.  So, talk to them.  Tell them what is bugging you.  Maybe they can help.  I know the power of a good support system, because I couldn't get by without them.  Don't let things bottle up.  Stand up even when you don't want to.  You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.


  1. I really like this and can definitely relate to it. I have had many days like this. It's really good advice

    1. Thank you for sharing, Anonymous! I hope that blog brings you some of the joy it has brought me.


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